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Discovering the Path to Stress-Free Parenting.


Updated: Apr 13, 2024

stress-free parenting, happy family

In my previous post about " Why women lose interest in dressing up?", I emphasized the importance of self-care. Giving priority to one's skincare is showing love for yourself. Sometimes, parental responsibilities are overwhelming. Most women skip their self-care routines to provide better care for their children. 

You might feel too tired to do anything and all you want will be to relax on the couch. Imagine yourself looking in the mirror with messed up hair and clothes. It is alright and it happens when you are a parent. But that image will spoil your mood and confidence. it will finally lead you to depression. 

Once in a while, it is fine, but if you feel the same daily, you need to take action for your own good. So let us see what you can do to stop looking miserable.

How can you make time for yourself so that you don't feel the pressures of parenting?

  • Create and follow routines:

create and follow routines

Creating routines for you and your children will better help to manage time and reduce chaos. Staying organized can help reduce stress. You know what's going to happen next. So you will feel in control. Following routines will also stop children from throwing unnecessary tantrums. Children behave better when they have routines and anything out of the routine can make them uncomfortable.

  •  "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." 

Rise early to find time for your routines

Getting up late might be ok for once in a while. But getting up early and finishing some of the chores before your kids wake up will give you a headstart.

  • It is important to consistently reinforce rules with children. Inconsistent discipline can cause confusion and misbehavior. 

  • Take breaks: It is important to take some time for yourself, whether it's a 10-minute break to meditate or an hour to walk. This can help you recharge and reduce stress. 

  • Do not wait for the child to sleep, include them in your chores. Sometimes parents wait for their children to sleep to carry on with their daily chores. However, things might not always go as planned, so it's best to get used to doing these chores when the child is awake. Encouraging your child to help with chores can teach them responsibility and important life skills. Start with simple tasks like picking up toys or setting the table, and gradually increase the difficulty as they grow older. 

  •  Set realistic expectations: Don't try to be a perfect parent. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your children. Don't compare yourself to others and remember that every family is different.

  • Finish your daily chores: try to finish up your routine chores like folding laundry, washing, and arranging utensils. It might take only some time every day. But if you pile up you would need hours or days to complete it.

  • Taking care of yourself: Don't you love to dress up your children and admire their cuteness? Similarly, let your children see you taking care of yourself and learn from you the importance of self-care. Let the child know that Mamma needs time to get ready. 

  • Children learn from watching their parents. So let them incorporate these self-care routines into their lives. Taking care of your physical and emotional needs can help you better care for your children and be more present and engaged with them.

  • Communication is the key to parenting. Good communication helps to establish trust and understanding between parents and children. It also helps children to feel heard, valued, and respected. When parents communicate effectively with their children, they are better able to understand their children's needs, feelings, and behaviors. This can lead to improved decision-making, problem-solving, and conflict-resolution skills.

  • Always keep a close eye on your children. Remember to keep non-edible and flammable items locked to ensure the safety of little ones. They may try to mimic their mothers when unsupervised. It's important to keep glass and other breakable items away from little ones who like to play pranks, to avoid any accidents or messes. (Prevention is better than cure.)

happy smiley

I hope adopting these techniques into your life will help you to make parenting stress-free and easy. Wishing you happy and peaceful parenting.

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